At trial, relatives of terrorists tell ISIS “lies”

At the specially composed Assize Court in Paris,

It took Jennifer Clain seven years to “take a step back”. At 30, the niece of the two jihadists who claimed responsibility for the attacks of November 13, 2015 now speaks “imperfectly” when she talks about her years spent in Syria with Daesh. Incarcerated in Beauvais (Oise) while awaiting her own trial, the “ghost” gave for the first time to a court the story of her stay in the terrorist organization. His mother, also questioned this Wednesday by the special assize court, also denounced the weight of the radical “ideology” of her brothers Fabien and Jean-Michel Clain, and the “formatting” of Daesh terrorists.

“I endorsed”

Arrived in Syria in July 2014 at the age of 23 with her four children and her husband, Jennifer Clain ensures that she did not know anything about the preparation for the attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis. “I learned it the next day or two. With my uncles, we never talked about it, ”she told the court. At the time, the young woman firmly refutes the involvement of her relatives in the attacks. “I believed that the media had magnified the facts and that my uncles had absolutely nothing to do with it,” she says. However, since settling in Raqqa, Jennifer Clain has witnessed the violence of the terrorist organization. The videos of the abuses committed by the jihadists and staged by the “media” branch of the group for which her uncles worked, she has “practically all seen”, she admits.

Bluntly, she explains that she “endorsed”: “There were even executions in the middle of the street (…) Most of the people who were there approved. In any case, at the beginning ”. An argument between the young woman and her uncles, however, will crack the trust she placed in them. The tone hesitant, Jennifer Clain tells that two of his “acquaintances”, members of Daesh, were arrested by the terrorist group. Her uncles “thought they wanted to rebel,” she continues. Over the months, a split takes place among the foreigners who have joined the ranks of the Islamic State. “A lot of people, including me, saw that Daesh was not what it claimed to be. Some leaders followed their own interests, it had nothing to do with God, ”she blurted out.

Doubts and lies

At the end of 2017, after three years spent in Syria, Jennifer Clain decided to leave the jihadist group. But she didn’t say a word about it to her uncles: “I was starting to doubt, it was dangerous for my life. “President Jean-Louis Périès asks him:” Does that sound like a political regime? “. She thinks for a few seconds, then says: “Frankly, it looks a lot like the Nazi regime. Even though at the time, I didn’t see him like that. “Taking her children with her, the” ghost “was arrested at the Turkish border before being deported to France in September 2019 then incarcerated.

Heard at the end of the day by the magistrates, another indirect witness of the life led under the caliphate described the “lies” of the jihadists. Kaltoum A., was 16 years old when she met Foued Mohamed Aggad, one of the three terrorists of the Bataclan. The couple had been separated for several months when Aggad decided to join Daesh in Syria. Refusing their breakup, the young Strasbourg resident regularly gives news to Kaltoum.

“He was being watched and he had to pretend that I was his wife to be allowed to call me,” she recalls. During his calls, Foued Mohamed Aggad delivers an idyllic version of jihad: “He told me that he lived in a villa, that he ate really well. “A story contradicted by his own brother, who left with him but quickly returned to France:” Told him to his mother that in the villa there were 110, that they ate bread and oil and that they served as minions. . “

Over the days, Kaltoum collects the secrets of Aggad who does not hide the activities of the jihadist group. The student, worried about being accused of complicity, and decided to break, quickly cuts the ties: “It was too much for me,” she breathes. She changes her number and will never have contact with Foued Mohamed Aggad again. “I tried to forget. Until the day he reappeared on all screens ”.

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