At the town hall, it is possible to work with your dog

From our special correspondent in Grenoble

In the small office, Pixel, a 35-kilo ball of hair, had a hard time keeping in place. Driven by a furious desire to hug, the Labrador ends up climbing onto his master’s lap. “Usually he’s calmer. He lies down next to me and rests, ”smiles Maxence Alloto. Since the end of June, the elected representatives of the town hall of Grenoble (mostly EELV) have been authorized to come and work with their dogs for the needs of an experiment. If the practice is slowly democratizing in private companies, it remains very rare in communities.

Four people requested it, including Maxence Aalloto, the deputy in charge of the local economy and crafts. “From time to time”, the young man comes to the office accompanied by Pixel whom he adopted at the age of ten weeks. In his bag, a bowl of water but also some toys for the animal. “Working in a community takes a lot of time. I am not often at home. So if I don’t take him, I don’t see him much, ”continues the elected official. But no question either of disturbing the habits of his dog. “If I have external appointments, I leave him at home because it would be useless for him to spend the day alone at the office. “

The office, a landmark

A few meters further on, on the same floor, Elwine, a terrier crossbreed dog, sleeps peacefully in her basket while Hakim Sabri, assistant in charge of finances, goes through the files. “The children grew up, they left home. Our dog is bored on her own. At her age, she needs to have benchmarks, the office is one of them, ”he explains, confessing that he had already taken some liberties even before the start of the experiment. But this is not the only reason. ” She is 16 years old. Now that she is old, I prefer to know her with me. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to him if I’m not here, ”he slips, covering the animal affectionately.

Hakim Sabri and his dog Elwine. – C. Girardon / 20 Minutes

Martine Villalta, administrative coordinator, has forged a “close relationship” with Isha, her 7-year-old Yorkie, “always glued” to her. At home, she has another more independent dog. Only Ischia has the right to come to the office with her three to four half-days a week. “When he sees me packing his bag, he knows we’re going to town hall. He is ready. He is very happy and has adapted very well since he even goes to say hello to the other assistants when the door to their office is open. “

Martine Villalta comes to work at the town hall of Grenoble with her dog Isha.
Martine Villalta comes to work at the town hall of Grenoble with her dog Isha. – C. Girardon / 20 Minutes

Rules of procedure

However, internal regulations have been enacted so that the town hall does not turn “into a zoo”. Category 1 and 2 dogs such as pit bulls or rottweilers are not allowed. New pets like ferrets, rabbits, hamsters either. Neither are the cats. The apprehensions of certain employees were also taken into account. “You have to know how to deal with the sensitivity of each individual. The aim of this experiment is to take animal welfare into consideration, but not to impose its animal on others, either, ”explains Sandrine Krief, municipal councilor in charge of animal health and member of the animalist party.

A specific course has also been put in place to “avoid chance encounters”. An elevator is preferred and stickers indicating the presence of the animal have been affixed to the doors of the offices concerned. The doggies are not allowed either to walk in the corridors without the presence of their master. Nor to eat at the office. All these measures were developed with an animal behaviorist, Laëtitia Raichl, solicited for her expertise on animal welfare. “The first piece of advice is to know how to manage your dog. But also to provide him with a rest area, to think about bringing him toys without them being too noisy for the colleagues, explains the young woman. On the other hand, you have to know how to listen to it and take its needs into account. If the dog doesn’t feel like going to the office, don’t force it either. “

“We haven’t invented anything, it exists in other countries like the United States or the Netherlands and it works very well”, continues Sandrine Krief. “The first feedback is very positive,” says Eric Piolle, the mayor of Grenoble. Bringing your dog to the office allows you to bond, it calms… And that doesn’t prevent you from working! “

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