At the Cellier, the memory of a “simple” man who “always makes us laugh so much”

At Cellier (Loire-Atlantique)

“I remember the day of his funeral well! The streets of Le Cellier were black with people, there were thousands of people…” Forty years after the death of Louis de Funès, on January 27, 1983, the memories are still very vivid in Daniel Coquet’s head. It must be said that the sexagenarian has often met “Mr. de Funès de Galarza of his real name”, when, as a teenager, he accompanied his carpenter father to carry out work in the couple’s castle, near Ancenis north of Nantes ( Loire Atlantique). “I only knew him at the cinema, says Daniel Coquet. I can tell you that when you meet this 1.64m tall man for the first time, it sticks with you. There was a lot of respect between us. So much so that we never took a picture. »

In this commune of nearly 4,000 souls, where Louis de Funès spent his holidays and the whole end of his life, we are preparing to pay homage to the immense comic, but above all to the “humble man” that he was when he was walking away from movie sets. On Saturday, a Rabbi Jacob flash mob will be played before a commemoration at the cemetery followed by a mass in honor of this devout Catholic. “Despite his strong celebrity, he marked the town by his simplicity, considers Aloïs Robinard, the president of the association In the footsteps of Louis de Funès. In his daily life, he was even a shy person, quite reserved. He liked to recharge his batteries here by tending to its rose garden, its fruit trees, by going fishing… He was charmed by the Château de Clermont and its estate, which he bought in 1967 during a candle sale. , to please his wife. »

Always people on his grave

When he was a child, Claude Minier also liked to cycle past the gates of this large building with 365 windows. Above all, he hoped to meet the actor in his R6, “which [m] I let it pass when it happened”. Today, he goes to the cemetery next door at least once every three days to tend the grave on a voluntary basis. “I clean the marble slab, I size, reports this big fan. I also collect small notes and children’s drawings, before the snails come to devour them. When it’s not bottles of wine, that people had to put down to “have a drink with Louis”! What has always surprised me is the number of people passing by… I see a lot of foreigners: the other time, a group of Dutch people was there. They told me: we like Louis de Funès because he looks like the French. »

The tomb of Louis and Jeanne de Funès, in the Cellier cemetery – J. Urbach / 20 Minutes

But the reasons seem numerous to explain this popularity, which is transmitted from generation to generation. In the William Turner room, where a large De Funès exhibition is being held until Sunday, fans of all ages stroll between large posters, press clippings and everyday objects. Jonathan, a 42-year-old Belgian, discovered a real passion a few years ago. “As soon as I have a drop in morale, I put on a film and here we go again: the grimaces, the replicas, it always makes us laugh so much”, smiles this truck driver with multiple tattoos of his favorite actors. His dream would be to live one day, here in Le Cellier, “with its lovely hillsides, its vineyards, its climate and its Loire, so loved by kings and our greatest poets”, as Louis de Funès wrote. in 1977. “It’s perhaps surprising but we feel his presence here, continues Jonathan. It’s like another world. »

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