At 21, Tematai Le Gayic, a Polynesian separatist, enters the Assembly

Tematai Le Gayic entered the history of the Fifth Republic this Sunday. Elected at the age of 21 in the first constituency of Polynesia, he is now the youngest deputy to enter the National Assembly. Until now, it was Marion Maréchal Le Pen who held this status after being elected MP in 2012 at the age of only 22. Born in 2000 in Papeete, Tematai Le Gayic is a Polynesian separatist supported by Nupes.

After a childhood in Tubuai, an island in the Austral archipelago, then in Tahiti, the young man obtained a double degree in political science and history at the University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint Denis, before integrating a master’s degree. in political science at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), suspended to campaign in Polynesia.

Fight against precariousness and sovereignty

During his studies, he chaired the Association of Students of French Polynesia (AEPF) then the Federation of Student Associations of French Polynesia (FAEPF). He thus fought against student precariousness and defended access to culture through Tahitian and Polynesian dance classes.

The accession to full sovereignty of French Polynesia constitutes the basis of its political commitment. He also wants to protect local employment and land, as well as offer Maohi citizenship. He also campaigns for the adaptation of higher education to Polynesian realities and for the protection of the environment.

An excellent speaker in French and in Tahitian, he has won several awards in declamation and Tahitian dance competitions. He also led a traditional singing group.

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