At 19, Martin cycled Paris-Marseille to help the Restos du Coeur

“I wanted to show what we could do with not much and a good mind”, assures Martin Peglion. Alone with his old bike, his tent and freeze-dried food, the student from the University of Créteil cycled the 800 kilometers that separate Paris from the Stade Vélodrome in Marseille in December.

The young man was trying to offer a better Christmas to the homeless, by raising money for the Restos du Coeur. Despite the warning of his relatives and bike repairers, he decided to ignore the “it’s impossible”. On December 19, after eight days of cycling in the cold, he raised 2,800 euros for the association. Her
jackpot remains open and the adventure is not over. “Next time I would like to cover the 8,000 kilometres! “, he launches. For 20 minuteshe recounts his adventure.

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