Association of housing companies complains about high building material prices – Bavaria

housing:Association complains about building material prices

Company representatives criticize that it is hardly possible to create affordable housing.

By Maximilian Gerl, Munich

High building material prices – high rents: According to the Association of Bavarian Housing Companies (VdW), the creation of affordable housing in this country is hardly possible. As one reason, the VDW cites the renewed increase in the price of building materials, which has been causing problems for companies for years. “In the worst case, new construction projects are not carried out because the economically necessary rents cannot be represented on the local housing market,” said VdW association director Hans Maier in a statement. Especially in subsidized housing, such economical construction is hardly possible anymore. Added to this would be the shortage of craftsmen and the current freeze on subsidies for energy-efficient construction. VdW Bayern represents 490 housing cooperatives and municipal housing companies.

As a possible way out in the field of subsidized housing construction, the VdW proposes “dynamic construction cost subsidies”. Because not only the prices for building materials are rising, even if the recent development here is particularly noticeable due to the ongoing shortage of raw materials. According to the Federal Statistical Office, roof battens rose in price by an average of almost 65 percent and construction timber by 61 percent last year compared to 2020. This threatens to further torpedo the ambitious residential building targets of the federal and state governments. As early as December, the head of the state housing company BayernHeim publicly warned that the 10,000 additional apartments planned for Bavaria by 2025 could not be created without the help of the private sector.

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