Association calls for reform: only a few emergency medical services justified

Status: 20.10.2022 07:09 a.m

The rescue services are threatened with overload as a result of increasing corona infections. Against this background, the professional association for rescue services calls for a reform. Because a maximum of 15 percent of the current emergency medical operations are justified.

The German Professional Association for Rescue Services calls for a reform of emergency doctor operations and work in the control centers. The head of the organization, Marco König, told the daily newspaper “Welt” that too many ambulances and emergency doctors were being sent out, even if this was not necessary at all. “Only 10 to 15 percent of emergency doctor calls are really justified,” he said.

According to the association, this contributes to the fact that the currently increasing number of Covid infections could push the rescue services to the limit again. “There are currently fewer ambulances on the road because the increasing number of Covid-19 is causing more and more staff shortages. And we are only at the beginning of the wave,” says König.

Computer decides on use

He sees a significant need for reform in the specifications for control centers that receive emergency calls. “The computer program determines when an ambulance is sent out. Even if an employee is convinced that this is not necessary at all, the car is sent out and the responsibility shifted to the program,” said König.

The chairman of the association admitted that wrong decisions would also be made if control center employees were able to disregard program instructions. But that cannot be avoided. “We can no longer afford the prevailing fully comprehensive mentality.”

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