Asparagus: This is why most of us have a smelly urine after eating (video)

Watch the video: This is why the urine often smells unpleasant after eating asparagus.

Spring time is asparagus time. The delicious enjoyment of the stick vegetables brings with it an undesirable consequence: penetratingly smelly urine. For most of us.

It’s unclear if all humans produce asparagus urine. However, one thing is certain: it is not a disease. Anyone who notices the stench has a special enzyme that breaks down the asparagusic acid contained in the asparagus.

During the degradation process in the body, this is converted into volatile sulfur compounds. That means the stinky smell of sulfur evaporates on the toilet and quickly becomes noticeable.

But not everyone can smell it. People who do not notice the smell of sulfur have a genetic mutation. So a single gene is the reason.

But regardless of whether the toilet smells like it or not, asparagus is healthy for everyone.

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