Asmik Grigorian: Opera star far removed from all genre clichés

Her voice also touches people who have little to do with classical music. The Lithuanian Asmik Grigorian is considered a star in the world of opera – but she has nothing to do with diva gestures. Of true values, great courage and freedom in times of war

An outrageously funny anecdote made the rounds at the Salzburg Festival: an actress known to be whimsical is said to have asked a woman backstage to hurry and powder her face. Unfortunately, the person asked was not a mask employee, but Asmik Grigorian, the biggest star of the festival.

It is hard to imagine what a thunderstorm such a faux pas would have triggered just a few years ago. But Grigorian just bursts out laughing when she hears the story: “It’s actually a pity that I didn’t understand the situation. It would have been funny if I had done her make-up after her.”

“But that’s bullshit,” says Asmik Grigorian

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