Ask us your questions about the dangerousness of pesticides in food!

You cannot escape it. Fruits, vegetables and cereals: pesticide residues are present in a large part of our diet. In order to limit agricultural losses, these phytosanitary products weed crops, repel the insects and parasites that attack them and fight against the fungi that make them sick.

But if the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) states very clearly that it is “unlikely” that the contamination of food with pesticides ” poses a health risk to consumers “, opinions are very divided on this point. And to challenge this assertion, our partner UFC – Que Choisir conducted the investigation on 14,000 products, by studying the results of pesticide residue analyzes carried out by the French authorities in 2019.

For the production of our next Consumer Brief, we invite you to submit all the questions you have about the dangerousness of pesticides present in food. An expert ofUFC-What to choose will answer it on video.

Do you wonder in which foods the pesticides hide? And what are these pesticides? Do you wonder about the health risks they can cause? Do you understand the regulations in force concerning them? Would you like to know if organic food is spared from pesticides? And how to avoid them as much as possible? Ask us your questions.

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