Ask us your questions about telephone canvassing

It targets millions of French people regularly. The Covid-19? No, untimely telephone canvassing, which has increased in recent decades. Our partner,
UFC-What to Choose, has made some
one of his main fights. Insurance, telecoms, energy suppliers… Several sectors are singled out, but others are also responsible for this inconvenience to consumers.

Progress has recently been made in an attempt to improve things, with the ban on canvassing in the field of energy renovation, its supervision for insurance, or via the Bloctel system, but the problem is far from being resolved.

Do you have questions about telephone canvassing? Are you concerned, disturbed, and do not know how to do it? Are you wondering about the regulations in this area, their recent developments? Ask your questions to 20 minutes, and we will answer it, in video, with a specialist inUFC-What to Choose, Our partner Conso.

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