Asian Youth Orchestra plays in Taufkirchen – District of Munich

Two of the best-known symphonies in music history will be performed this Saturday, August 13, in the Culture and Congress Center in Taufkirchen: Prokofiev’s symphony “Classique”, which enjoys great popularity because of its cheerful, parodic tonal language and lively rhythm. And Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s “Italian Symphony”, which is one of his most-performed works. The ensemble that will perform these compositions consists of young musicians who, in addition to talent, also need a lot of ambition and discipline: the Asian Youth Orchestra. After a rigorous selection process, around 100 orchestra members are admitted, coming from countries ranging from China to Indonesia. A three-week rehearsal camp in Hong Kong will be followed by a three-week concert tour. The director in Taufkirchen is the Munich conductor Joseph Bastian. In addition to the two symphonies, the first violin concerto by Paganini will also be heard, with the Italian Giuseppe Gibboni as the soloist. The concert starts at 8 p.m., tickets are available via Munich Ticket.

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