Asia – More guests in Thailand – Travel

In Thailand, the number of foreign tourists is increasing again significantly after the slump caused by the corona pandemic. Around 30,000 holidaymakers are now arriving in the Southeast Asian country every day, the newspaper quoted Bangkok Post the Governor of the Central Bank of Thailand, Sethaput Suthiwartnarueput. If the development continues like this, the bank expects at least eight million international holiday guests by the end of the year, it said. So far, the bank’s estimates for this year have been a maximum of around six million visitors. The tourism sector, which is important for Thailand, came to an almost complete standstill in the course of the corona pandemic and initially recovered only slowly – also because very complicated entry rules applied for a long time. Since July 1, visitors only have to present a vaccination card or a negative corona test. The mask requirement outdoors has also been largely lifted. However, the country is still a long way from the numbers before the pandemic: in 2019, 40 million people traveled to the holiday destination known for its beaches and temples, among other things.

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