Artist Tsuneko Tanuichi to marry anyone who wants to

Have you always dreamed of putting the ring on your finger? The big day may have arrived, if you are in Loire-Atlantique this weekend. Friday evening and Sunday morning, at the domain of La Garenne-Lemot in Clisson near Nantes, the artist
Tsuneko Tanuichi will marry all those who want it. For the moment, a dozen people have signed up for these artistic and symbolic unions. Others have reserved their place to be able to attend these weddings obviously without legal value, the aim of which is “to question the sacred union as a personal and social act”, indicates the departmental council, organizer of the exhibition. Like long echoes, which will close its doors after hosting this highlight.

Several hundred husbands and wives

This is not the first time that this 75-year-old artist of Japanese origin has said “yes” to strangers. For about twenty years, she has multiplied these ceremonies in order to make “banal” what she describes sometimes as “a symbolically very charged act”, sometimes as an “archaic social pact”. “Mutual consent lasts five minutes but it is always experienced in a real way,” explains Tsuneko Tanuichi. on its website about the course of the ceremony. It is not a parody gesture but a sincerity of five minutes. The ritual that I build allows to create a rhizome, to invent a big family. This, without any notion of possession: we are always free. “

If you are too shy, know that the artist, who already has several hundred husbands and wives to his credit, also opens his performances to groups of up to three people (on registration, there are still places). A photo will be taken to immortalize each of the unions, in a place where many real couples have already come to have their portraits taken on D-Day.

” The Garenne-Lemot is not just a monument, its history is also closely linked to weddings, recalls Julie Pellegrin, director of
Great Heritage of Loire-Atlantique. These very festive performances will be a good way to showcase this identity, while bringing visitors to heritage in another way. “

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