Art association Ebersberg: “La Garaasch” with class Kretschmann – Ebersberg

Final spurt! The first season of “La Garaasch” by the Ebersberger Kunstverein, the residency project with changing guest artists, is coming to an end. A whole group is currently visiting, the Kretschmann class. Their work can be admired in the former garage on the edge of the shopping center in the Altstadtpassage until October 15th. The room can be viewed around the clock. Students in Schirin Kretschmann’s class at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts are developing site-specific works specifically for the project space, with the overarching motto: “What’s up, what’s up”.

Tabata von der Locht and Johannes Thum celebrated a vernissage in the garage on Friday. Her project is called “To grip and grasp”: Dark tire tracks stretch across an area on the back wall of the exhibition space, which is made up of different types of wooden panels. Visible tire wear indicates a road vehicle used for circular “drifts”. The collage-like arrangement of the panels alienates the process of drifting into a painterly gesture, the machine becomes a painting tool. The exhibition space, the former garage, thus mutates into the scene of an artistic action, whose main actor could have parked in it himself.

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