Art action in the subway kiosk – Munich

The shutters at the kiosks in Munich’s underground are being lowered more and more often, and every fifth subway kiosk is now empty because it needs to be renovated or modernized. On the initiative of the Platform and the BBK Munich and Upper Bavaria, the city is now making the vacant sales areas available for exhibitions and projects in an interim use campaign. Ten kiosks at the subway stations at Brudermühlstraße, Hasenbergl, Josephsburg, Josephsplatz, Messestadt Ost, Michaelibad, Nordfriedhof (two kiosks), Petuelring and Schwanthalerhöhe have been approved for the art projects. These should start at the beginning of July 2023. Professional artists or groups of artists can apply until February 28th. All information is available below

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