Arrival of French nationals exfiltrated from Kabul to Roissy

Silhouettes succeeding one another behind a bay window. On the tarmac of Terminal 2C at Roissy Charles De Gaulle, the reception of 45 French nationals and partner countries exfiltrated from Afghanistan was very discreet. While the terminals of Kabul airport are stormed by the Afghan population wishing to flee the Taliban regime which has controlled the country since Sunday, a hundred people were expected at Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle airport on Tuesday . Among them, about sixty soldiers from foreign operations.

Other military rotations are planned

The flight from Abu Dhabi to Paris landed at 5:37 p.m., marking the first military rotation announced during his speech by Emmanuel Macron. On the spot, an important device of the gendarmerie was deployed. But why go through Abu Dhabi? The size of the aircraft, a small-capacity military A310, required fuel. All of this coupled with security issues that only the French base in Abu Dhabi seemed to guarantee according to information provided by the Ministry of the Armed Forces.

Other rotations are to be expected, with planes of greater capacity. For now, no commercial aircraft can land or take off from Kabul: only the army is able to send a military plane to exfiltrate other nationals.

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