Arrival in Paris of French and their evacuated relatives

49 French people and their relatives who had found themselves stranded in Afghanistan before being evacuated to Qatar arrived in Paris on Monday from Doha, announced the Foreign Ministry.

“A flight chartered by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs carrying these nationals and their evacuated dependents arrived at Roissy Charles-De-Gaulle airport this Monday at the beginning of the afternoon”, according to a press release. of the ministry which thanks Qatar for its “decisive help”.

Getting started with Qatar and Turkey

Since August 17, the start of the evacuation operations launched by France after the fall of Kabul at the hands of the Taliban, “more than a hundred French people and more than 2,600 Afghans have reached French soil”, specifies the Quai d ‘ Orsay.

Since the last American soldiers left Kabul at the end of August, the management of the airport has been taken over by Qatar and Turkey, and the first international commercial flight landed there on Monday, one of the signs of normalization of the country after the return to power of the Taliban.

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