Arrest of Ovidio Guzmán: why the drug war continues – Panorama

Ovidio “El Ratón” Guzmán, son and successor of legendary drug lord El Chapo, has been arrested in Mexico. But what does arrested mean – it was a battle with 29 dead. Why the drug war goes on and on despite such dearly bought successes.


Peter Burghardt, Washington

The savior of the drug mafia is also silent on the latest battle in his neighborhood. He’s long dead, maybe he never lived, although his community has no doubts about his existence. According to legend, Jesús Malverde was a noble crook, a Robin Hood in Mexico’s Northwest before he was shot or hanged in 1909, depending on the version. His portrait and his bust with mustache and cowboy hat are among the icons of the scene. Of course, the most important chapel for his faithful is in Culiacan, where he is said to have been born and died.

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