Arrest of a counterfeiter linked to organized crime in the Rhône

A forger involved in organized crime was arrested on Tuesday May 10 in Jons (Rhône), with three accomplices, by investigators from the Lyon PJ and the Central Office for the Fight against Organized Crime (OCLCO), reports AFP this Friday from a police source, confirming a news from TF1.

Moncef B., 50, provided false papers in the middle of organized crime and drug trafficking. His arrest took place in the context of a case investigated by the Specialized Interregional Jurisdiction (JIRS) of Lyon.

An activity that would have brought in 900,000 euros in one year

Two other men, presented as fugitives who had come to get supplies from the main suspect, were arrested the next day. It was the arrest of a van robber in 2021 that would have put the police on the trail of the alleged forger.

According to TF1, at least 87 false passport files have already been brought to light by the investigation, all delivered to criminals. This illicit activity would have brought in 900,000 euros since last year.

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