Around 30,000 people demonstrate in Hamburg against right-wing extremism | – News

Status: 07.06.2024 20:39

Two days before the European elections, a broad alliance took a stand against right-wing extremism with a large demonstration in downtown Hamburg. According to the organizers, 30,000 participants came, but the police initially spoke of up to 26,000 people.

“Stop right-wing extremism, defend democracy, go vote” was the motto of the demonstration, which was called for by the North Church, “Fridays for Future”, the DGB Hamburg, the Go Vote alliance and associations such as “Clear Edge against the Right” and “Entrepreneurs without Borders”. The aim was to encourage young people in particular to vote on Sunday. In the crowd, posters with slogans such as “Yes to the rule of law. No to the right”, “Hate and incitement are not an alternative for Germany” and “Huck Föcke” could be read.

AfD wanted to prevent demonstration

Among the demonstrators were representatives of the SPD, Greens, CDU, Left Party and FDP. The AfD had called for the rally to be cancelled. This would further poison the social climate “and violent left-wing extremists would feel vindicated in their actions”.

“The AfD is the enemy of employees”

In the elections, everyone counts, said Hamburg’s DGB head Tanja Chawla. “One thing is clear: the AfD is the enemy of employees. We say: Vote for the future, vote democratically!” The general manager of the Northern Business Association (UV Nord), Thomas Fröhlich, warned of a shift to the right. One in four employees in companies in the north has a migrant background. “We will not let anything or anyone take away our hard-earned and now completely natural welcoming culture.”

Fehrs: “It’s in our hands”

The start and end point of the demonstration was Ludwig-Erhard-Straße.

The current EKD Council Chairwoman, Nordkirchen Bishop Kirsten Fehrs, said: “It is in our hands which direction Europe takes.” When people are discriminated against, despised and attacked because of their origin, religion or appearance, one must not remain silent, warned Fehrs, who took part in the rally together with State Rabbi Shlomo Bistritzky and the Deputy Chairwoman of the Council of Islamic Communities in Hamburg (Shura), Özlem Nas.

St. Pauli and HSV perform together

The otherwise rival big Hamburg football clubs also showed solidarity: Democracy is a team sport, emphasized St. Pauli President Oke Göttlich and HSV authorized representative Marieke Patyna, who appeared together. “In these times it is more important than ever that we all get involved and raise our voices together: for diversity and democratic values. Against hatred and exclusion,” said Patyna.

Joris, province and an airplane

The rally was accompanied musically by the indie pop band Provinz and the singer and songwriter Joris, who told his audience: “It’s great that you’re all going to vote democratically on Sunday.” Above the rally, an airplane flew a banner with the call to “GoVote” through the Hamburg sky.

Start and end at Ludwig-Erhard-Straße

The demonstration march led from Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse via Mönckebergstrasse, Ballindamm and Gorch-Fock-Wall back to Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse. In the early afternoon, feeder demonstration marches had already started towards the city centre. Several hundred demonstrators marched with the alliance “Clear Edge against the Right” from Pferdemarkt towards Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse. There were fewer people at the start of the “Demorave” at Theodor-Heuss-Platz, which also led to a major demonstration.

In mid-January, around 180,000 people took to the streets in Hamburg to protest against right-wing extremism. The trigger was the revelation of a meeting between right-wing extremists and AfD politicians in Potsdam.

Further information

A small EU flag lies on a ballot paper for the European elections. © dpa picture alliance/Goldmann

On Sunday there are European elections, 65 million people in Germany are eligible to vote. How do people vote? Who is running for election? You can find all the information and background here. more

The musician Ami Warning on the stage of the Elbphilharmonie. She is a young woman with dark, braided pigtails. She sings into the microphone and plays the guitar herself. © Screenshot

3 mins

This marks the start of the “Go Vote” action week for the EU elections on 9 June, which is aimed at first-time voters and non-voters. 3 min

Participants protest during the climate strike by Fridays for Future in Hamburg on the occasion of the European elections. © picture alliance/dpa Photo: Marcus Brandt

Shortly before the European elections, the movement called for a large demonstration in the city center. Fewer people came than expected. (31.05.2024) more

Thousands of people gathered on Edmund-Siemers-Allee in Hamburg for a demonstration against right-wing extremism. © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Axel Heimken

Around 40 organizations and associations called for the demonstration. More than 50,000 participants marched through the city center. (25.02.2024) more

Thousands of people gather at a demonstration against right-wing extremism on Jungfernstieg. © NDR Photo: Heiko Sander

The Hamburg police counted 50,000 participants at the large rally against right-wing extremism on January 19. Now the Interior Ministry is talking about 180,000. (08.02.2024) more

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Hamburg Journal | 07.06.2024 | 19:30


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