Armed with scissors, an inmate attacks three guards at Condé-sur-Sarthe prison

The prison of Condé-sur-Sarthe (Orne) was the scene of violence on Monday, we learned from the prison administration and the FO union. In the early afternoon, an inmate armed with blunt scissors assaulted and kicked a guard before being quickly subdued. Two other supervisors were injured during the intervention. The three agents “were hospitalized for wounds and bruises”, underlined a spokesperson for the prison administration of the West zone, specifying that the detainee was not radicalized.

On Twitter, the Force Ouvrière union denounced this attack. “A supervisor of the Condé-sur-Sarthe penitentiary center suffered a violent attack! It was in the solitary confinement unit that an inmate threw himself on him, stabbing him four times. Hit in the shoulder blade, he was evacuated by the emergency services and hospitalized.

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