Aristocracy: Princess Charlène returned to Monaco

Princess Charlène returned to Monaco

Princess Charlene has packed her bags again at the Cape. Photo: Eric Gaillard / REUTERS POOL / AP / dpa

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After spending months in South Africa, Prince Albert II’s wife is back home with her family in Europe. It wasn’t planned that way.

Princess Charlène von Monaco was stuck for months after a complicated operation in South Africa because of health problems – now she is back with her family.

“She arrived in Monaco this morning, thank God she is back home,” her father Mike Wittstock told the German Press Agency in Johannesburg on Monday. She was picked up by a private jet in the port city of Durban. Previously, «Bild» reported on it.

She originally traveled to the country on the southern tip of Africa to support the fight against rhino poaching. She had visited a nature reserve where rangers dehorn rhinos to protect them from poachers. A little later, she reported to local media that an oral surgery performed before her trip had delayed her return. When flying at high altitudes, she cannot compensate for the pressure in the ears.

The Princess’s long-term stay in South Africa had fueled speculation on social media about a possible separation from Prince Albert II and a possible return of the Princess to her old home. Charlène (43), on the other hand, repeatedly protested in interviews how much she missed her husband and, above all, the children.


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