Aristocracy: Princess Charlène does not take part in the national holiday

Princess Charlène does not attend the national holiday

Princess Charlène von Monaco was stuck for months after a complicated operation in South Africa because of health problems – now she is back in Monaco, but has to take it easy. Photo: Chantell Wittstock / The Princess Charlene Of Monaco Foundation / dpa

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Princess Charlène is back from South Africa. But she doesn’t want to appear in public yet. She must continue to take care of herself after health problems.

Princess Charlène of Monaco, who recently returned from South Africa after suffering health problems, will not be attending the city-state’s national holiday this Friday.

The Prince’s Palace in Monaco announced on Tuesday that a period of rest and tranquility is required for a good recovery of their health.

The medical treatments had been exhausting, and Charlène had to recover from a state of general exhaustion. The place of their recovery remains strictly confidential in order to ensure rest and health restoration, it said.

For months, Charlène (43) was stuck in her native South Africa. Health problems had delayed her departure, just over a week ago she had returned to the principality.

She had actually traveled to the country on the southern tip of Africa to support the fight against rhino poaching. A little later she reported to the local media that an oral surgery performed before her trip had delayed her return to Europe in the small principality. When flying at high altitudes, she cannot compensate for the pressure in the ears. She was treated in the hospital several times.

As the Prince’s Palace announced, Charlène will appear again in public as soon as her health allows it. The Princess will be informed about the health recovery in the coming weeks before Christmas. Until then, ask the princely couple to respect their privacy and family.


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