“Arise women! »Also tells of the improbable complicity between the deputies François Ruffin and Bruno Bonnell

It’s a story of women, but also of a surprising duo. The film Stand up women!, which comes out in cinemas on Wednesday, evokes the social situation of these indispensable and yet invisible women who help, treat, clean … It also tells, in the background, the birth of a bond that transcends political divisions.

Who would have bet a kopeck on a parliamentary team between François Ruffin, rebellious deputy from the Somme and his macronist counterpart from the Rhône, Bruno Bonnell? Between the journalist fed on the class struggle and the entrepreneur broken to unbridled capitalism, not much in common. If this is not the reputation of “big mouths” and mutual assumptions of “stupid head”.

“The current has passed quickly”

However, when it comes time to share a parliamentary mission on the “link professions”, the two elected members of the National Assembly will quickly make common cause. “The current has passed quickly,” says François Ruffin. We met for five minutes at the Assembly bar to share our life experience on the subject. I had a more social relationship, he more personal. “

A year of filming and a hundred hours of rushing later, Bruno Bonnell also remembers this first contact. “My colleagues told me ‘You’re going to be able to be Ruffin’, he admits. In fact, even if our vision of life opposes us, we found ourselves on the same values ​​and the boxing match turned into a parliamentary road movie. “

François Ruffin imagined this tandem piloting the film after this meeting. “He called me twelve hours after our first meeting,” says Bruno Bonnell. He told me he wanted to make a film and I immediately accepted. “

Laurel and Hardy burlesque duo

“I wanted to stage a burlesque tandem à la Laurel and Hardy or at Terence Hill and Bud Spencer”, quips François Ruffin, for whom Bruno Bonnell is a “real character of cinema because we do not know s ‘he is nice or not, whether we should like him or not’.

Both will go to the end of the mission, trying to establish an official status and a training course for these women victims of precariousness. But without much success. The bill was not passed. “It shattered ideology and preconceptions, to the detriment of these women. We missed a turn ”, regrets Bruno Bonnell. “I have never had any illusions about the parliamentary outcome,” says François Ruffin. But the film puts pressure on public opinion. It must become an electoral campaign theme for a real recognition of the work of these women. “

“We are like comrades”

There remains today a bond between the two men. “When people enter the hemicycle of the Assembly, they are party men, with a posted border. However, man is full of facets. I distinguish the man from the politician, ”notes François Ruffin.

“Him and me do not have easy friendship, but we respect each other and having shared this film gives us a point of dialogue. We are like comrades ”, insists Bruno Bonnell, for whom“ Ruffin is a prophet in politics, with the good and the less good ”, but who“ shows what others do not see ”.

“Move ideological lines”

Despite criticism from other members of the majority, the macronist says he is “very proud” to have participated in this film to “move ideological lines”. “We share this thing with François Ruffin, who is knowing how to let those who live their daily lives have their say. If we did it more often, that would make it possible to find interesting leads. “

But the union has its limits. When Bruno Bonnell tries, despite everything, to defend the push from the government for these “bond professions” by insisting on “the 400 million put on the table”, opposite, François Ruffin denounces the “amnesia” of power in the face to these women. “When everything collapsed, the government and President Macron clung to them, even promising that they would have status.” The democratic divide is intact.

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