Argentina: rescue helicopter slashes truck (video)

See in the video: Collision with consequences: Rescue helicopter slashes truck.

Dangerous encounter! This truck comes dangerously close – too close to a rescue helicopter.
The incident appears to have taken place near a pay station on the Perito Moreno highway in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During a rescue mission, the helicopter waits to transport a patient to a hospital as quickly as possible.
Then it happens, a truck driver is apparently in a hurry to get past the scene, but he underestimated the radius of the rotating rotors and drives into the main rotor of the helicopter. The surveillance camera of the private motorway operator shows the moment when the rotors slit open the entire right-hand side of the trailer.
The problem: Not only is the truck damaged in the collision, the rotor of the Airbus helicopter is also seriously damaged. A start is out of the question. The patient must be transported by land through rush hour traffic in Buenos Aires. Now the public prosecutor’s office is investigating the driver of the truck.

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