Are you under 40? Do you buy travel guides?

Lonely Planet, Le Guide du Routard, Géo Guide, Petit Futé… So many names that smack of travel and escape. For a long time, these guides have been essential traveling companions for all travellers, delivering valuable advice on tourist sites not to be missed or on the attitude to adopt in a particular region.

But in an all-digital era, where all information is available with just one click on your smartphone, are travel guides outdated? And are they popular with the younger generations born with the Internet?

If you are under 40, your opinion matters to us! Do you still buy guides to prepare your trip? Do you consult the digital version of these tourist guides instead? Or what sites do you use to plan your trip? And once there, how do you organize your holidays?

You can testify by filling out the form below. Your testimonials will be used to write an article in the days to come. Thanks in advance !

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