“Are you sobered up? “… SMS reading session for this new day of trial

After a day on Wednesday which will have seen the names of Jack Grealish and Kyle Walker mentioned by a friend of one of the complainants, without the two teammates of Benjamin Mendy at Manchester City having been accused of anything (they have simply participated in the past in a few evenings at the former French international), the day of this Thursday was marked by the reading of various SMS. A sixth plaintiff was to be heard, but her hearing was finally postponed due to “new information” presented to the lawyers, according to the judge in charge of this case, without it being known what exactly is going on.

In the meantime, the jurors were able to read text messages exchanged between the third alleged victim and one of his friends. A few days after the alleged facts, she wrote to him: “Mendy sexually assaulted me at the party. He comes to text me saying I’m so sorry. She concludes this exchange by explaining that she does not know if there were any witnesses at the time of the events.

Trial adjourned until next Monday

A new conversation was then presented to the jurors, between Benjamin Mendy and the fourth plaintiff. This woman accused the player of having raped her in July 2021, while the text messages in question date from August 2021. The footballer wrote to her one evening to find out what she was doing, what the young woman replied: “Are you sobered up? », followed by a smiling emoji. Response from the Frenchman: “Always a little drunk”. She then explains that she is not surprised, adding “You were funny”, before finally declining Mendy’s invitation since she was already in bed.

Finally, a last conversation was read to the jurors before closing the day. The one between two complainants and friends, who also accuse Mendy of having raped them in July 2021. Referring to summonses before the British police, one of them writes to the other: “I don’t think it’s something importantly, they just want to talk to you. I think they just want to talk to people who used to go to Ben’s. “And this one to conclude that she does not wish to” be too involved “in this affair. This alleged victim finally filed a complaint against the Citizens side before testifying before the investigators in charge of the case in February 2022. The trial was finally adjourned until Monday, when the sixth complainant is expected to speak to the jurors .

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