Are you going to comply with the obligation of winter equipment from November 1?

Whether you are a resident of Chambéry or just a ski fanatic, from November 1, you will have to think about fitting your car with snow tires or having chains or non-slip socks in your trunk. The winter equipment become mandatory from that date, and until March 31, in certain mountain area municipalities.

A measure taken in 48 French departments, from Corsica to the Vosges, via the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Massif Central. With the aim of reducing accidents on snow-covered and icy roads, but also reducing traffic jams on access roads to winter resorts. But it is far from gaining unanimous support in certain mountain areas, such as in Ariège, where this obligation has been strongly criticized for its systematic aspect. To cool things off, the Interior Ministry said there would be no sanctions in the first year.

If you live in the affected areas or go there regularly, your opinion matters to us. Are you going to equip yourself with snow tires? Or, wait until next year to do it? And if you are against it, tell us why? You can testify in the form below. Your testimonials will be used in writing a future article. Thanks in advance.

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