Are you for or against the ban on hunting on Wednesdays and Sundays?

Hunting, an ancestral practice, is increasingly debated, to the point of becoming for some a theme in the presidential campaign. If the gap between pro and anti has always existed, it has widened further in recent months with the increase in fatal accidents. At the end of October, a 67-year-old motorist was hit by a bullet while driving on the four lanes between Nantes and Rennes, he died in hospital. A year ago, Morgan Keane, a young man of 25, died of a gunshot fired by a hunter while he was chopping wood in his garden.

It was his relatives who decided to take up the issue by launching a
citizen petition on the Senate website. Among their demand is the proposal to ban hunting on Wednesdays and Sundays, which has already provoked strong reactions and demonstrations from some hunting federations. These days without hunting are nothing new in France. In 2000, Dominique Voynet thus had the principle adopted for Wednesdays. But the text was repealed three years later by the Bachelot Law. Some hunting federations have already warned that if this proposal saw the light of day, it would be the death of hunting. The debate over the next few months is likely to be heated.

You are a hunter and strongly opposed to days without hunting, tell us why? You are in favor of banning hunting on Sundays and Wednesdays, you have arguments, your opinion matters to us. You can testify in the form below. Your testimonials will be used in writing a future article. Thanks in advance.

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