Are you experiencing difficulties related to your invisible disability outside your home? tell us

Last April, the Auchan brand set up an invisible handicap logo next to that of a person in a wheelchair at the checkout of one of its Le Mans hypermarkets. A silhouette with red spheres distributed all over the body. A way to make invisible evils visible.

Inflammatory bowel disease, ankylosing spondylitis, endometriosis: many chronic diseases are as disabling as they are invisible. For sufferers, it can be very difficult to maintain a prolonged static standing position. However, because this disability cannot be seen and the people concerned do not want to justify themselves, to be scrutinized or even to receive derogatory comments, it is not always easy to ask for a seat in the metro or priority in line at the supermarket or cinema.

Do you suffer from an invisible disability and have you already encountered difficulties related to your illness in the public space? Tell us. What disease do you suffer from? What difficulties did you encounter? Do you ask to be given priority in the queues? Do you do it easily? Have you already had any comments? Have you ever had to justify yourself? Do you have a disabled card with you?

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