Are you eating better than before the pandemic, or not really? tell us

“As of noon tomorrow and for at least 15 days, our trips will be greatly reduced. […] Stay at home and limit contact. On March 17, 2020, faced with the arrival of a new virus called Covid-19, the President put France in isolation. For two months, the French had to take care of themselves from home and adapt to their new living environment. The promise of Emmanuel Macron’s “next world”, of a more sober, closer, more “happy” post-pandemic lifestyle had to go through better food. More local, more organic, healthier, more “homemade”…

Three years later, are the French eating better? The organic market is on the rise and households tend to favor short circuits. But consumers are also being hit hard by inflation. In addition, if during confinement, they could spend more time in the kitchen, this return to life before forces them to abandon certain culinary habits. Containment has also perpetuated the use of home delivery platforms, such as Uber Eats, Deliveroo or Just Eat.

So, have you changed your eating habits? Are you eating more balanced? Do you take more time to prepare your meals? Do you prefer organic products? What about products from French agriculture? Do you have your meals delivered and why? Do you pay attention to the carbon footprint of your food purchases? Your answers will be used to write an article. THANKS.

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