Are there bedbugs on SNCF trains?

Total panic on social networks, reports The Parisian. After the publication of photos on X this Tuesday, SNCF users panicked: could the wagons and trains be infested with bedbugs?

It was a traveler who published the photos, shocked after seeing insects in a train car. “Could these be bedbugs in your trains, SNCF Voyageurs???? », she asked the railway company, specifying that the photos had been taken in the carriage of a TGV departing from the Gare de l’Est in Paris. The tweet has been viewed more than 4.7 million times.

Social networks quickly caught fire and the situation grew so bad that the SNCF had to speak out on the subject. The railway company strongly denied the claims and detailed the preventative treatments it regularly carried out on its trains.

Treatment every two months, ensures the SNCF

The SNCF ensures that it is working hard against pests, bedbugs but also cockroaches, ants and others: installation of anti-pest gels, diffusion of insecticides, specific traps, diatom powder in humid areas… All trains of the The company is thus processed every 60 days.

In the event of a proven infestation, intensive treatment is put in place. In the event that the presence of pests is very strong, the train could be “taken out of commercial service”, assures the SNCF. However, the situation has only arisen very rarely in recent years, the company would like to point out.

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