Are the morosil gummies seen on TikTok a scam or effective for weight loss?

It is the new flagship active ingredient that will help you lose weight effectively. The icing on the cake is that it targets abdominal fat, promising you a flatter stomach than ever a few weeks before summer. In recent months on TikTok and Instagram, a number of self-proclaimed wellness guru influencers have continued to extol the merits of morosil, a food supplement in the form of gummies, capsules or even powder.

Described as the ultimate fat burner, morosil is said to have the ability to lose weight without exercise or diet, and has appetite suppressant properties to combat cravings. But what exactly is morosil? Is it really effective and safe?

What is morosil?

Morosil is “an extract of red fruits, notably from a variety of Sicilian blood orange, the Moro orange,” explains Raphaël Gruman, nutritionist and author of 100 anti-inflammatory express bowls (ed. Leduc). It is known and used in particular for its antioxidant content. It contains in particular anthocyanins and flavonoids, ascorbic acid and even cinamic acid. So many molecules which would give morosil multiple benefits.

It would thus have protective effects against free radicals, responsible for premature aging of the skin. But what is praised by many influencers on TikTok and Instagram are the slimming properties of morosil, the availability of food supplements in the form of gummies has exploded in recent months.

In the many posts collected under the hashtag #morosilthis extract would, according to them, have the ability not only to promote sleep, protect against cardiovascular diseases or even reduce sugar cravings, but also to help, “without diet or physical activity”, in the breakdown of certain fats. .

Have the slimming properties of morosil been demonstrated?

Still according to a number of influencers, morosil even has the very interesting particularity of targeting abdominal fat, that which is located at the bottom of the stomach, although known to be stubborn, and would have allowed each of them to shed a significant amount of kilos, simply by daily consumption of morosil gummies. SO ? “Targeting abdominal fat is impossible,” replies Raphaël Gruman unequivocally. No dietary supplement can target a specific part of the body. Adipocytes, or fat cells, are located in all areas of the body where there are fatty deposits: stomach, back, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms. Claiming that you can melt abdominal fat is a lie.”

According to an American study published in 2022, morosil could however “make a significant contribution” to weight loss, but “only when combined with diet and physical activity”. In practice, “when we do this type of study, we proceed in a “double-blind” manner: with a group of participants who will use the food supplement, and a group who will receive a placebo. And with regard to the scientific literature, no study has demonstrated the real effectiveness of morosil alone for weight loss, explains Raphaël Gruman. On the other hand, we can consume the fruit, the moro orange, in its raw state: rich in antioxidants and fiber, low in calories and low in sugar, it has natural virtues good for health, but in fruit as in gummies, this will not make you lose weight.

What works, unsurprisingly, “is the combination of a balanced diet combined with physical activity,” he continues. Otherwise, we won’t lose a single gram. Likewise, a food alone cannot trigger weight loss. We can draw a parallel with green tea, which has many virtues, and which is known to increase thermogenesis, by increasing metabolism. But in terms of effectiveness, it is extremely low: if it allows you to lose around 20 calories per day, that does not even represent two spoonfuls of yogurt, it is derisory.”

Is morosil safe to consume?

“The problem is that morosil has extremely limited effectiveness, and consumed in food compliments in the form of gummies, it amounts to eating candy: the effectiveness is totally zero”, decides the nutritionist, who finds “dangerous the promotion of these food supplements on social networks. Some people, especially adolescent girls, might see it as a miracle product and consume more than what is recommended to obtain results.”

However, at high doses, food supplements based on morosil can “generate harmful effects: heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux, nausea or vomiting, warns Raphaël Gruman. People may say that they need to take more for the effects to be there. However, to date, food supplements with proven slimming claims, without contravening the law, do not exist, because their properties have not been demonstrated.” In short: all you lose when you buy it is your money.

If you are looking for significant weight loss, it is better to be accompanied by a doctor, nutritionist or dietician, “so as not to have food deficiencies or cravings, and to put in place a suitable diet which will allow you to lose weight and get healthy.” then stabilize, recommends Raphaël Gruman. If you undertake a draconian, unsuitable diet on your own, you can lose weight, but you risk deficiencies and above all gaining back twice as much as you lost.”

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