ARD “Germany trend”: AfD is on a par with the SPD in a survey

ARD “Germany trend”
SPD falls to 18 percent in Sunday question – on a par with the AfD

Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s SPD continues to lose favor with the current ARD “Germany trend” and is now level with the AfD

© Kay Nietfeld / DPA

Next survey shock for the Chancellor’s party: According to the ARD Germany trend, the SPD has to fear for its status as the second strongest force. 18 percent of those surveyed can imagine voting for the partially right-wing AfD in the federal elections.

If there were a federal election next Sunday, the SPD would only get 18 percent of the votes. This is the result of the current ARD “Germany trends” from Thursday. The governing party is thus on par with the AfD and would no longer be the sole second-strongest political force in Germany.

SPD loses on Sunday question, AfD wins

The Social Democrats lose one percentage point compared to the survey from early May, and the AfD gains two. The right-wing populist party, which is partly right-wing extremist, achieved the best value in the history of the “Germany trend”.

Things are also looking less rosy for the second strongest traffic light party. The Greens lose one percentage point and come to 15 percent in the survey. The FDP remains at seven percent. The governing coalition would once again lose a majority in parliament.

According to the survey, the strongest force remains the Union. 29 percent of voters would tick the CDU or CSU, one point less than in the previous month. The left also loses a point and would now fail at the five percent hurdle with four percent.

You can read the detailed evaluation of the ARD “Germany trend”. here on

The trend barometer of the star-Partner RTL and ntv on Tuesday showed a downward trend for the SPD. Only 18 percent of the participants would tick the social demo cards. In the 2021 federal election, the party still received 25.7 percent of the votes. The AfD received 17 percent in the survey. You can see more results of the trend barometer in the video:

Political mood in Germany: AfD is growing and is only one point behind the SPD

For the representative ARD Germany trend, the opinion research institute “Infratest Dimap” surveyed 1,302 eligible voters on May 30 and 31. The range of fluctuation is two to three percentage points with a share value of ten or fifty percent.

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