ARD-DeutschlandTrend: 39 percent for Union-led government

Status: 24.06.2021 11:55 p.m.

A Union-led government after the September election will join the GermanyTrend– Although more popular with respondents, supporters remain in a minority. The union option is particularly popular with the elderly.

Significantly more respondents than a month ago are speaking in the current one GermanyTrend for the ARD morning magazine for a Union-led federal government after the election in September. Specifically, it is 39 percent – an increase of eight percentage points compared to May.

Almost one in three (32 percent), on the other hand, would like a change in favor of a federal government led by the Greens or the SPD. A coalition led by the Greens is supported by 16 percent – but that is a significant decrease: A month ago, 21 percent were in favor. 16 percent want an SPD-led cabinet (one point less than in May).

For three out of ten respondents, none of these three options are currently considered.

FDP voters for Union, left for SPD

The situation is broken down into the parties: A clear majority of 63 percent of FDP supporters prefers a CDU / CSU-led alliance. The supporters of the left put 36 percent on an SPD and 28 percent on a Green-led coalition.

For half of AfD supporters, none of the three options is desirable. Around four out of ten AfD supporters, however, support a cabinet led by the CDU / CSU.

As expected, the supporters of the Union (96 percent), SPD (80 percent) and Greens (86 percent) have large majorities in their own party.

A Union-led federal government is much more preferred by the older citizens (45 percent) than by the younger ones (34 percent). These in turn (22 percent) are twice as likely to favor a federal government under the leadership of the Greens as older people (eleven percent). Nevertheless, a Union-led cabinet finds the relatively greatest support even among the younger generation.

Half plan vacations differently than in pre-Corona times

Regardless of the falling number of infections and relaxed travel regulations, a majority of 53 percent of those surveyed stated that their summer travel plans differ from those from pre-Corona times. Above all, the choice of travel destinations will be adjusted due to the pandemic, followed by a change in the choice of transport.

After all, every third pandemic-related adjustment concerns the complete renouncement of a vacation trip this year.

Investigation facility

Population: Eligible voters in Germany
Collection method: Random-based telephone and online survey
Collection period: May 22-23, 2021
Number of cases: 1,217 respondents (794 telephone interviews and 423 online interviews)
Weighting: according to sociodemographic characteristics and recall behavior at choice
Fault tolerance: 2 * to 3 ** percentage points
Implementing institute: infratest dimap

* with a share value of 10 percent ** with a share value of 50 percent

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