Apple event: a polishing cloth for 25 euros steals the show from the top notebooks

Apple event: a polishing cloth for 25 euros steals the show from the top notebooks

The polishing cloth was quickly making waves on social media

© Apple

New Airpods, up to four times faster Macbook Pros and a new streaming offer: Apple had a lot to show at its event on Monday. The social media star of the evening was not even mentioned in the keynote.

It was an evening that Apple fans love: At its second autumn event, the company showed a lot of new products, fulfilled fan requests like the next generation of the popular Airpods and the return of the interfaces on the technically and visually impressive MacBook Pros ( here you can find out more about the event). Yet another product made waves on social media.

At first, that sounds as inconspicuous as it looks at first glance. “Polishing cloth” is simply the name of the Apple product page for the new product that appeared in the Apple Store with Macbook Pro and Co. And further: “The polishing cloth is made of a soft, abrasion-free material and cleans every Apple display, including nanotexture glass, gently and thoroughly.” The cloth owes a lot of attention to its price: Apple charges a proud 25 euros for it.

Flat, chic and fluffy

The cloth itself looks unspectacular. A largely inconspicuous white fabric square with rounded corners. If you look closely, you will discover the little apple logo embroidered in one of the corners. The exact material used to make the very soft-looking cloth is not noted on the product page. The scope of delivery is simple: “polishing cloth”, it says there.

In addition to the price, there is another decision by the group that attracts the network’s ridicule. Because: Apple has decided to treat the cloth like many other accessories – and to provide it with a compatibility list. It lists tons of Apple devices from the last few years in great detail, names for example all Apple Watches, listed individually, of course, Macbooks and Macbook Pros dating back to 2014 and also many iPhone models as compatible.

However, the list is not complete. And so raises mocking questions. “Can’t I use the cloth with my Android smartphone?” asked about a user on Reddit. Others immediately noticed that Apple did not name any iPhones before the iPhone 6 – and maliciously commented whether the older models broke when they were used. The question is not entirely unjustified. Finally, Apple also lists an eleven-year-old iPod as compatible.

No wonder the jokes quickly became increasingly absurd. One picture shows the professional model, the “Polishing Cloth Pro Max”. This is not only larger and, at 99 euros, considerably more expensive than the simple “model”: it also has the camera notch on the edge, known from the iPhone and, since Monday, the Macbook Pro.

You can also read our further coverage of the event:

AirPods 3 presented: Now there’s something for your ears

Apple is daring the revolution – by taking a big step back

Unleashed Event: Watch Apple’s full-length keynote


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