Apple brings update to iOS 15.4.1: That’s why you should grab the iPhone now

Apple releases important update: That’s why you should grab your iPhone now

Apple CEO Tim Cook at the manufacturer’s past event.


iOS 15.4 was only recently released – and unfortunately, in addition to many new functions, it also brought bugs with it. The latest update to 15.4.1 not only increases battery life, but also closes a serious security hole.

Apple only released the major update to iOS 15.4 in mid-March. This includes: Numerous new emoji faces, fresh functions and a great relief for mask wearers – because face recognition is now also able to unlock the system with newer devices despite mouth and nose protection. But not everything went smoothly: Apple made improvements with iOS 15.4.1 just two weeks after the extensive update. There are two reasons for this.

Increased battery life and security

Shortly after installing iOS 15.4, many users complained about reduced battery life. Apple recognized the problem a week ago, but asked for a little patience. With iOS 15.4.1 it is now said that this error has been fixed. The manufacturer does not name the exact reasons for the shortened runtimes. Some suspected the fast 5G radio standard as a possible reason, but this was not confirmed.

The small update is also important because iOS 15.4.1 closes an actively exploited security gap. That’s what it says on the manufacturer’s website: “A program may be able to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges. Apple is aware of a report stating that this issue may have been actively exploited.”

The update also fixes an issue related to braille translators and hearing aids. There were disconnections or malfunctions under iOS 15.4.

Available from iPhone 6s

iOS 15.4.1 is available now and can be installed in the usual way via the system settings. To do this, just go below settings on the menu item Generalthen up software update and follow the instructions. The update is available for the following devices: iPhone 6s and later, iPad Pro (all models), iPad Air 2 and later, iPad 5th generation and later, iPad mini 4 and later, and iPod touch (7th generation).

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In addition to iOS 15.4.1, Apple also released iPadOS 15.4.1, updates for the Apple Watch and Apple TV, and macOS 12.3.1.

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