Appeal to the Council of State against the risk of “cocktail effect” of pesticides

Mixtures of molecules do not always mix well. Several associations and left-wing deputies are preparing to lodge an appeal with the Council of State to request better assurances on the harmlessness of pesticides marketed in France, in particular concerning the risk of “cocktail effect”. The “Toxic Secrets” campaign, claiming the support of 29 organizations and 28 deputies, had warned the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, at the beginning of October against “the absence of scientific procedures making it possible to ensure the safety of pesticides marketed in France “.

The absence of a response from the government to this gracious appeal after more than two months is equivalent to a “tacit refusal” to act, paving the way for an appeal to the Council of State, which will be filed on February 2, indicated the campaign lawyer, Guillaume Tumerelle. This approach is based on a judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union stipulating that the toxicity of pesticides must be assessed on the basis of the complete product. A principle which is not applied by France, which “does not analyze complete products” but only the “active substance”, according to the lawyer.

A set of organizations and elected officials

“We are asking the State to modify French regulations to apply European regulations and analyze the products in their complete composition,” he explains. The campaign is concerned about the “chronic toxicity of mixtures of molecules within the same pesticide”, also known as the “cocktail effect”.

The appeal is filed on behalf of a group of organizations (Confédération Paysanne, Générations Futures, Santé Environnement, Union Nationale de l’Apiculture Française, etc.) and deputies, in particular environmentalists (Marie Pochon, Julien Bayou, etc.) and LFI (Manuel Bompard , Sophia Chikirou, Alma Dufour…)

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