Appeal for witnesses after an acid attack against two students

The police launched an appeal for witnesses on Friday to try to find the perpetrators of a sulfuric acid attack which had very seriously burned two students last fall in Angoulême (Charente).

On the night of October 25 to 26, these two young men aged 20 were returning from an evening on foot when they saw a small white utility vehicle arrive. As they crossed a pedestrian crossing at a traffic light, the passenger asked them to come closer, before spraying them with sulfuric acid.

The burns caused to the face, hands and stomach immediately caused violent pain which prompted the two friends to jump into the nearby Charente river to try to relieve their suffering.

One of the two victims operated on five times

Hospitalized in Bordeaux, one of them has since been operated on five times. The other was treated in Angoulême. At the scene, the traffic light still bears traces of the liquid used by the attacker, which the two students heard laughing before the vehicle fled.

Ten months after this “unique in France” attack last year, according to Jean-Luc Taltavull, head of the Angoulême police station who is leading the investigation with the Limoges PJ, the latter is at a standstill. CCTV footage turned up nothing conclusive. The police hope to move forward with this call for witnesses.

If you have any information on this case, you can contact the judicial police in Limoges, 24 hours a day, at

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