Anti-Semitism allegations: Claudia Roth on the documenta scandal: “should have been louder”

anti-Semitism allegations
Claudia Roth on the documenta scandal: “should have been louder”

In connection with the anti-Semitism allegations surrounding the documenta, Claudia Roth speaks of a “chain of irresponsibility where, in the end, no one wants to be responsible”. photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

Claudia Roth regrets that she did not speak up before the documenta opening. The Minister of State for Culture dismisses attempts to put things into perspective: “Anti-Semitism is and will remain anti-Semitism.”

Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth regrets that she did not speak out more decisively before the documenta opening, which was marked by allegations of anti-Semitism.

“I’m aware that it’s not enough if I say: I couldn’t do more. Even if it’s objectively true. Perhaps I should have been louder and clearer in the discussions leading up to the documenta opening,” she said Green politician for the news magazine “Stern”. Roth called the events in Kassel a “chain of irresponsibility, where in the end no one wants to have been responsible”.

She learned from the process “that I want to have more say as soon as the federal government gives money”. The politician reiterated her recent demands to give the federal government more influence and direct involvement in the structures of the documenta.

Roth opposes attempts at relativization

“It is unacceptable that in this art federalism, funding is sometimes gladly accepted, but concrete participation is rejected. If I’m actually responsible for something, I don’t have a problem with being beaten up if something goes wrong.”

Anti-Semitism allegations against the documenta have been circulating for months. Shortly after the opening of the exhibition, a banner with anti-Jewish motifs was discovered and taken down. Roth emphasized that the federal government was not represented in the structures of the documenta and that all relevant decisions for this year’s exhibition had already been made when she took office.

The Minister of State for Culture decisively opposed attempts to relativize anti-Semitic depictions by referring to the countries of origin of the artists. “Anti-Semitism is and will always be anti-Semitism, whether in Indonesia, in Turkey or anywhere else,” said Roth. If foreign artists were invited to a German exhibition, they would have to know “what historical responsibility means here in particular”.


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