Anti-Semitic tags discovered in a college

Two complaints were filed. (Drawing – V. Wartner / 20 Minutes

Two complaints were filed after the discovery on Saturday of anti-Semitic tags on the premises of a college in Chauvigny (Vienne) and death threats against its principal, we learned from the prefecture and ‘a source among staff.

These anti-Semitic tags and swastikas were discovered Saturday morning on walls inside Gérard-Philippe college, a staff member said.

One complaint from the college, another from the principal

In a joint statement, the prefect of Vienne Chantal Castelnot, the president of the department Alain Pichon and the rector of the Poitiers academy Bénédicte Robert denounced the “intolerable registrations” and “through them the death threats made to the ‘against the principal’.

They indicated that two complaints had been lodged with the prosecution, one “in the name of the college” and the other “by the principal in his own name”.

“The college will open its doors as planned on Monday, May 3,” the date of return to school after the period of confinement, said the three institutions. Elisabeth Moreno, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister responsible for equality between women and men, diversity and equal opportunities, reacted on Twitter to “inscriptions that give nausea”. “The school must be a sanctuary in the face of intolerance,” she wrote.

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