Anti-Semitic Statements: Investigations against Bhakdi resumed

Status: 11/25/2021 2:32 p.m.

The investigations against the critic of the Corona measures Bhakdi for sedition are now going on. The Schleswig Public Prosecutor’s Office took over the proceedings after a complaint.

By Wulf Rohwedder,

The investigation continues against the former Bundestag candidate of the party “Die Basis”, Sucharit Bhakdi. The critic of the measures against the corona pandemic and opponent of the vaccination campaign had claimed in an interview that “the people of the Jews” had learned and “implemented” the “arch evil” from the Nazis. Even after that, he had expressed himself several times in relative terms against the Shoah and NS.

The public prosecutor’s office in Kiel could not see any criminal hatred or Holocaust relativization and stopped the investigation for the time being. “The statements of the accused in the video are primarily directed against the State of Israel as such, referring to the policies there in the course of the measures to contain the COVID 19 pandemic,” it said in support of the statement.

The complaint was successful

The decision sparked incomprehension and protests across the country and even at the international level. Elio Adler, the chairman of the “Value Initiative. Jewish-German Positions” and one of the complainants, lodged a complaint, which has now been granted.

“We welcome the fact that the senior public prosecutor in Schleswig is resuming the suspended investigation after our complaint,” Adler explains The anti-Semitic image that Bhakdi’s statements make clear is appalling. “It is not the first time that there have been anti-Semitic statements from this scene. The possible criminality of these statements must be examined and negotiated in a procedure.”

Elio Adler, the chairman of the “Value Initiative. Jewish-German Positions”, hopes that the investigation will have a signal effect.

Image: picture alliance / Geisler-Fotop

If Bhakdi’s statements lead to criminal law consequences, then that would be a clear signal to some of the conspiracy believers, Adler said. “The termination of the proceedings as a pure ‘desk decision’ was unacceptable. Now it is time to calmly wait for the result of the criminal investigation.”

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