Anthony Gignac, the fake Arabian prince

He was a Colombian orphan. He craved attention – and he was good at lying

By Mark Seal

His name was Khalid, he wrote to me, and I wanted to believe him. After all, as the son of the King of Saudi Arabia, he had traveled all over the world. High-profile international investors knew him as His Royal Highness Khalid Bin al-Saud. He was chauffeured in Rolls-Royces and Ferraris and surrounded himself with maids in uniform and armed bodyguards.

They could often overhear Prince Khalid making phone calls to Bill Gates, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. “I’m so tired of Trump constantly calling me and wanting to invite me to the White House!” Prince Khalid often complained. His Linkedin profile listed a law degree from Harvard, a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Southern California and top grades from the elite Swiss boarding school Institut Le Rosey, which the Rockefellers and Rothschilds had attended.

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