Anouk Grinberg supports Charlotte Arnould, who accuses Gérard Depardieu of two rapes

Gérard Depardieu was indicted in 2020 for “rape” and “sexual assault” on Charlotte Arnould. The actress, who was 22 at the time of the facts and he was 70, accused him of two rapes committed at his Parisian home in 2018. If in an open letter to Figarothe emblematic actor denied it outright, denouncing a “lynching”, Anouk Grinberg decided to break the silence.

The actress of My man denounced the “deafening silence” of the film industry on the behavior of the interpreter of Cyrano de Bergerac. An omerta which does not date from today, according to the one who gave the actor the reply in thank you life.

Crude language

Anouk Grinberg indeed worked closely with Gérard Depardieu, notably when she was the partner of Bertrand Blier. The director and actor have been close friends. “Everyone who worked with Depardieu knows that he attacks women. When he says (…) that he has never attacked a woman, I saw him do it all this time. I saw him put his hands on women’s buttocks, touch their breasts, their genitals while joking. I heard him talk all day about their pussy, how he would like to suck them all day and no one ever said anything,” she said in the magazine SHEon newsstands today.

“Out of the woods”

The actress also described a terrible complicity between the director and the actor, which became a system in which everyone took part, willingly or by force. “I was not spared from his verbal attacks. Blier and he incited each other to humiliate women and laugh about it. The team showed allegiance and also laughed to please the kings. At that point in my life, I had no other choice than to laugh with the pack to (…) have a small place,” adds Anouk Grinberg.

Her desire now is for women’s voices to be heard and for those who speak out to be supported. “Charlotte is alone against everyone, that’s why we have to move forward as a group, that’s why I’m coming out of the woods,” she concluded.

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