Another worker killed on the construction site

A worker died on Tuesday following an accident that occurred in the morning on the construction site of the Blanc-Mesnil station (Seine-Saint-Denis) of the future line 16 of the Grand Paris Express, announced the Société du Grand Paris ( GSP).

“During a handling operation, the victim was hit by a heavy load, she was immediately taken care of by the emergency services before dying in hospital in the afternoon from his injuries” , said the public establishment in the early evening in a press release.

The victim was employed by a transport company mandated by a supplier of the group of companies, added the SGP. The developer of this vast development project sent his condolences to his relatives.

Ongoing investigation

An investigation is underway to determine the exact circumstances of the accident. The construction site for this line was already bereaved in December 2020 in La Courneuve. A 41-year-old worker had died by falling into a grinding tank located 30 meters deep. In January 2022, a second worker was also killed by an accidental fall of equipment on the site of the future major station of Saint-Denis-Pleyel.

“We are sounding the alarm about the rates imposed to meet the deadlines for the Greater Paris works. This pressure can only be accident-prone”, estimated in a press release the departmental union of the CGT 93. The 200 kilometers of the Grand Paris Express include four new lines of automatic metro, numbered from 15 to 18, as well as extensions of line 14.

Articulating around a circular line, several branches must connect the airports of Orly and Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle, the scientific center of Saclay and the popular districts of Seine-Saint-Denis which are currently poorly served. After delays, the new lines are now scheduled to enter service gradually between 2025 and 2030.

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