Annual review: There is also good news from 2023

Anyone who expected an empty series of pictures will be disappointed at this point. Even though the bad news has dominated this year (at least it feels like), there are positive things to report. This annual review is intended to remind us of that – for the sake of the good mood at Christmas.

It wasn’t all bad – not even in 2023

The list is not complete. But it shows: not everything was bad in 2023. On a political and social level, things have happened and decisions have been made that have advanced humanity and are encouraging. Any examples?

The United Nations has advanced marine protection with a crucial agreement. This was negotiated for 15 years and the breakthrough was achieved this year.

The traffic light coalition does not always live up to its self-imposed reputation as a “progressive coalition,” but it also has successes. After months of debate, the federal and state governments agreed on the 49-euro ticket, which, according to surveys, ten million people use every month.

And yes, of course the gender pay gap still exists. Women still earn less than men in the same position. In Germany, this wage gap is around 18 percent, according to the Federal Statistical Office. To achieve this, other discriminatory rules that can endanger the lives of women or people from the LGBTQ spectrum are being dismantled little by little.

A Swedish scientist developed the first female crash test dummy called “Eva”. Queer men have been able to donate blood more easily since this year. And interest in women’s football teams is growing.

Admittedly, some of the news from this year was shocking, upsetting, earth-shattering in a bad sense. But especially at Christmas, we also want to remember that there are many people out there who work every day to make this world a better and fairer place for everyone.

Further sources: With information from news agencies

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