Annoying winter blues: This is what Nordic countries do to counter bad moods in winter

Blue Monday
Karma points and celebrations: This is what the Danes do to combat the winter blues

Have a party alone – a tip from Denmark for well-being

© martin-dm / Getty Images

The third Monday in January is said to be the most depressing day of the year. What’s behind it? Is that even true? And what helps especially against a bad mood?

by Linda Berger

This text first appeared here

We often suffer from bad moods and winter blues during the cold season. In Denmark, on the other hand, the gray is usually even grayer than here and yet the Danes are considered the happiest people in the world. Jesper Thomsen, founder of the Danish startup SOUNDBOKS, reveals why this is the case and what we can do to banish the gray a bit.

To counteract this, for example, he celebrates a loud, colorful party with his employees every year – just in time for Blue Monday.

Blue Monday: What is it anyway?

The so-called Blue Monday goes back to the British psychologist Cliff Arnall from the University of Cardiff. According to Arnall, his formula can be used to calculate the saddest and most depressing day of the year. The formula is:

[ 1/8 W + (D-d) ] × 3/8 TQ:M × NA

The formula includes variables such as…

  • New Year’s Resolutions Already Broken (Q)
  • Current weather (W) including temperatures
  • Existing Debts (D)
  • The January salary (d)
  • The time since Christmas (T)
  • The current motivation hole (M)
  • The need to do something about the gloom (NA)

The result: always the third Monday in January.

And that is most likely a gloomy day when you want to lie in bed in a bad mood, watch one series after the next and destroy tons of ice cream, chips and chocolate. A typical day, as you can enjoy it in multiple versions between November and March. That means there is nothing wrong with the formula.

Tips against the winter blues – the Danes know how to do it!

1. Stay positive

A positive mindset is the most important thing, says Jesper Thomsen: “In Denmark it’s usually even darker and rainier than in Germany. Nevertheless, almost everyone here walks or cycles to work. That awakens your spirits and keeps you fit – And if you run regularly, you quickly get used to the weather. All the better when it gets sunnier and warmer again.”

2. Good vibes from good friends and family

Especially in the dark and cold months you need friends and family around you. Feelings of good spirits and happiness, which are otherwise known mainly from summer, can also be achieved through pleasant company and great conversations. Nothing has a more positive effect on the psychological and physical condition than human closeness. That takes your mind off things and shows: Hey, you can be happy even in winter! And good conversations and spending time together is fortunately also possible virtually.

2. Collect karma points

Even if it is already dark in the late afternoon: the days are just as long as in summer. Use the free time and see which clubs or organizations are nearby, because people, animals and the environment need help even in winter. Many organizations are particularly happy about new members and helpers during this time. Use the good annual resolutions and look in your neighborhood. But it doesn’t have to be a new voluntary position right away: Maybe the elderly neighbor would be happy about a purchase she took away or a piece of homemade cake.

3. Dancing and partying

Miss some of us very much. It will definitely be a while before that happens again. But it’s still good to dance properly and that can be done with a pair of headphones in 10-20 minutes. Of course it’s not the same, but your favorite music certainly lifts your spirits and we think: You can really go nuts and declare it as a workout.

4. Get out into the fresh air

The only cure for winter is spring? Danes are always outside. This is good for the immune system, ice bathing has now become a national sport in Scandinavia. Anyone who has jumped into cold water feels really alive again – and suddenly the winter air isn’t so cold anymore. For everyone who prefers things less extreme: Cycling or a long walk in the cold winter air will also revive your spirits.

5. Hygge

The Danish word for “cosiness” is now on everyone’s lips. But hygge also means rest, security and comfort and is the opposite of today’s fast-moving world. So let’s use the quiet months to recharge our inner batteries. In addition to a good book, jigsaw puzzles or – quite Danish – building Lego are also ideal for calming down.

6. Crew Love Is True Love

You spend most of your time with your colleagues. It is all the more important that we maintain good collegial relationships. Especially in winter, many are less involved in other activities and thus have more time for an evening together with colleagues. Why not ask your boss and your colleagues if they would like to have a bit of an after-work chat or a virtual breakfast together.

7. New hobby?

In the summer, of course, we want to spend as much time outside as possible. Let’s use the winter months for indoor activities and try something new. How about a dance or painting course, guitar lessons or a DJ workshop? Plus point: We can continue to live out a lot of this outside in summer, for example dancing salsa in the open air.

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