Annoyed Julian Nagelsmann finds clear words to Bayern star

Despite numerous chances, FC Bayern had to admit defeat 1: 2 at the beginning of the second half.Image: imago images / kolbert-press / Christian Kolbert

The record champions FC, affected by numerous corona failures Bayern Munich started the second half of the Bundesliga with a defeat against Mönchengladbach. The Munich star ensemble had been waiting for a win against the foals for three competitive games. Nevertheless, the squad of the league leaders had to pull away with a 1: 2 defeat on Friday evening in the snow-covered soccer arena in Munich.

Bayern coach Julian Nagelsmann was upset after the game: “We were actually closer to victory than Gladbach.”

Nagelsmann makes a clear swipe at Süle

He was particularly frustrated with the goal conceded, which led to the equalization, and criticized the defensive performance of his team. “That was an incredibly weak cross that we can actually defend quite easily. But we first go there with the heel and then we don’t get the ball.”

Without naming a specific name, the criticism was probably directed at the recently ailing central defender Niklas Süle.

Niklas Süle had to take criticism after the game against Gladbach.

Niklas Süle had to take criticism after the game against Gladbach.Image: imago images / kolbert-press / Christian Kolbert

It was a gate, which “Must never fall, which we can easily defend if we don’t try that with the hoe, but seriously play the ball away”said the trainer across the street “Sport1” and announced that he would check with his defender on Saturday.

“Soccer is different from a treadmill”

Joshua Kimmich celebrated his comeback on the field after nine weeks after his corona infection at the start of the second half – but in the right-back position.

Nagelsmann said he had “seen in the last 20 minutes that there was no more juice in the tank”. “You can’t expect him to sprint up and down the line for 90 minutes, even if he has good values. Soccer is different than a treadmill or running through the forest. ”

FC Bayern airs anger about the DFL

Gladbach’s sports director Max Eber revealed on Wednesday that the Munich team wanted to cancel the game against Adi Hütter’s team in view of the numerous corona cases.

Also the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder previously spoke out in favor of a rejection: “We will see that it can be the same with other teams. And that’s why it would be better if it were postponed”, said the CSU politician at picture TV.

Bavaria's Prime Minister estimated the game to take place as "not fair to competition" one.

Bavaria’s Prime Minister previously assessed the game as “not fair for competition”.Image: / Frank Hoermann / SVEN SIMON

But in vain: Despite the request that sports director Hasan Salihamidžić be relocated, let the DFL carry out the game. “The omens were anything but rosy. Others have to judge whether it is fair,” remarked Thomas Müller after the third season bankruptcy for them Bavaria.

And even before the start of the second half of the season at DAZN, CEO Oliver Kahn admitted: “We accept the DFL regulations for today.”

The “Dismissal due to illness of players” is regulated in the DFL game rules. There it says:

“The application must not be granted if there are more than 15 licensed players and / or amateurs / contract players in the licensed team available.

Bavaria met these requirements. Nevertheless, Kahn would like from the DFL, “To take another close look at these regulations and then revise them again. The regulations were made at a time when Corona did not yet exist”.


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