Announcement by Lauterbach: PCR follow-up tests are now for everyone

Status: 08.02.2022 12:24 p.m

Laboratories should give priority to samples – for example from risk groups. But anyone who has a positive rapid test should still be entitled to a PCR test. According to Health Minister Lauterbach, the capacities are sufficient.

Contrary to previous plans, it should now remain the case that citizens who have had a positive rapid corona test are also entitled to a post-PCR test.

Sufficient for up to 450,000 cases a day

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach spoke in Berlin of a “change in position”. According to him, the existing capacity for PCR tests would also be sufficient if a daily number of up to 450,000 new corona infections were reached. “And I don’t think we will achieve that.”

You will continue to be able to offer everyone a PCR test as confirmation. With the incidences that you now have and are still expecting, you can hold out, said Lauterbach.

In a draft for an amendment to the Corona Test Ordinance, which became known a few days ago, it was still planned to initially suspend the right to a follow-up test after a positive self-test or quick test at a test station. The reason for the change was reports about the shortage of PCR test capacities.

According to Lauterbach, however, it remains the case that in the future laboratories should primarily examine samples from risk groups, employees in clinics, practices, in nursing and in facilities and services that provide integration assistance for people with disabilities.

Other samples are lagging behind, so the results could possibly take longer. The Minister of Health is planning to change the test regulation this week.

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